4002 Please specify the program or commandto be run as a scheduled event.
4003 reflect(type): Invalid event type detected (ID:%d)
4004 File: %sThis wave file can not be found.Would you like to change it now?
4005 File: %sThis program can not be found.Would you like to change it now?
4006 Reminders is currently activated. If you exit nowyour defined messages with not be triggered.Reminders must be running to display messages.Are you sure you want to exit?
5000 Time should be 0 to 59minutes after the hour.
5001 Time should be in the form HH:MMwith an optional AM or PM.
5002 Hours should be 0 to 23
5003 Minutes should be 0 to 59
5004 Date should be in the form MM:DD:YY
5005 Month should be 01 to 12
5006 Day should be 01 to 31
5007 Year should be 00 to 99
5008 Date should be 1 to 31for monthly reminders.
5009 Date should be in the form MM:DDwithout a year.
5010 No file is active, or reminders are running
7000 No reminder is selected currently.
8000 There is no Undo for the Cut command.Are you sure you want to remove this reminder?Title: %s
8001 There is no Undo for the Paste command.Are you sure you want to replace this reminder?Title: %s
8002 There is no Undo for the Delete command.Are you sure you want to delete this reminder?Title: %s